ReBornFX Belly Jelly ARRIVED
Whoop whoop!!!! I am super super excited today:o)))) I received some really good news for you... The most amazing soft pellets arrived at MacPherson Arts & Crafts yesterday and you are going to LOVE IT!!!
I will tell you.... This has been a very long journey for me... It has taken almost 2 years to find these and they are the softest, squishiest pellets you will ever find. After many searches, emails, samples and testing, these came out at the top of our list and you will not find any better.
I have tried all the current available pellets out there and none of them can even begin to compare!!!
Because these pellets are smaller in size - only 1/8" - and the softest that I could find, it means you will get a better weight on your doll due to the tighter packing. And it leaves literally no bumps to be seen on the outside of your cloth body.
Now the rule remains the same as with any other soft pellets - you have to put them in a fabric bag as the pellets could have an adverse reaction to the soft pellets.
MacPherson will soon stock little baby cloth bellies and tushies pre-filled with these same pellets that can be bought without the hassle of making your own little bags. They will be ready to use and you just need to insert them into your doll's cloth body The little tushie will even have the gathering to imitate the two little butt cheeks hehehe
They will be sold in batches of 2lb or 5lb and shipping on them will be FREE to the USA Continental and Canada of your order of $100+
To buy your ReBornFX Belly Jelly CLICK HERE